Help us turn a $75,000 goal into $150,000 in lifesaving funds! What could be better than saving the life of a homeless and vulnerable dog, cat, puppy, or kitten? Saving the lives of two dogs, cats, puppies, or kittens, of course. Thanks to a generous donor, your impact will be DOUBLED! YOU can be the lifesaver who rescues […]
Tag Archives | foster

Twenty-one cats saved from hoarding and need your help!
We saved TWENTY-ONE cats from a hoarding situation, and we need volunteers, fosters, supplies, and donations to help care for them NOW! A house in Sugar Land was found to have over 150 cats. Their conditions were completely unsafe, and Sugar Land Animal Services jumped in to get all of the cats to safety as […]

Mom, dad, and 7 puppies DUMPED AT OUR DOORSTEP
A mom, dad, and their puppies were found dumped in our parking lot on the hot pavement – right between a busy road and train tracks. One puppy had even collapsed due to heat exhaustion. Our staff rushed out to save mama and six of her puppies before they got to the road and immediately brought […]