A mom, dad, and their puppies were found dumped in our parking lot on the hot pavement – right between a busy road and train tracks. One puppy had even collapsed due to heat exhaustion. Our staff rushed out to save mama and six of her puppies before they got to the road and immediately brought them inside into the A/C, where they drank a LOT of water. We found papa distressed outside and our resident veterinarian was able to reunite him with his family, then one of our wonderful volunteers found a seventh puppy who had wandered from the rest of his litter.

All nine of these precious pups are in horrible shape: infested with fleas, bellies swollen with parasitic worms that prevent them from getting any nutrition, scabby and bleeding skin, coughing, and runny eyes and noses.
Getting this family healthy is going to be a journey. Our estimate right now is at least $306/pup, plus $500 heartworm treatments for both mom and dad, meaning this family of 9 will run us over $3,754 to cover their care through adoption.
Our hearts are breaking for this family, and we’re doing everything we can – with YOUR help, we can get these dogs healthy, then into the loving homes they deserve, where they’ll never need to live this way again. Will you help?

P.S. Once the puppies have recovered, they’ll need to go to new foster homes so they have more room to grow! If you can foster, please apply here if you’re not already HPA!-approved. If you can’t foster, but still want to help, please donate if you can!
*Any funds that are raised that go over our goal amount will go towards the next animal in need.
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